Masters of The Voice, Dragon Word Lesson |
Merry Christmas, greetings from Skyrim! Once inside of High Hrothgar, I was greeted by the Brothers,
Master of the Voice. The first thing they wanted was for me to prove I was Dragon born. I used my
Force Shout and they were happy although did not really show it. While standing out in a blizzard, my teeth chattering, they were nice enough to show me a second word,
Whirlwind Sprint, but I thought I'd have to kill another Dragon to use that? Looks like this is a free Shout courtesy of the Greybeards. When out and about, I would need the Dragon spirits, from dead dragons to utilize new
Dragon Shouts
on my own... After I had proven my abilities with the Brothers, they
told me to go find a particular Horn. This seemed like a good way to
make progress learning new and amazing skills so I agreed.
But before I could quest any more, I felt it necessary to locate my lost
companion, (missing since the last blog entry), so pulling out my secret spell book (known as the Console; Check this
Skyrim Q&D Guide), I
transported myself and I found my dear Lydia below the snow line, looking
out over a vista on the path up to High Hrothgar. Maybe eventually she would have caught up with me? But I got tired of waiting.
Now that I had her, instead of following the long boring path back down to normal
elevations, for fun, with visions of bloody pulps of flesh hurtling down the mountain side, in the Kamikaze spirit, we decided to exit High Hrothgar, hang a hard right, and cut straight down the Whiterun side of the mountain! Yeah Baby!
The route was steep and treacherous but then I faced a dilemma, the prospect of once again being separated from my cohort for an undetermined time. Knowing this girl could not jump, my secret
spell book provided the answer again. I located a spell to summon her
to me, which worked perfectly as I made my way down between the crags of
rock, one slip resulting in a long terrifying fall. Lord knows, I needed
her help when we ran into some saber tooth mountain lions!
Ressurection Stone Combat |
Back down in the White River Valley, we came across a Stormcloak camp. They made it clear they were no friends of the Imperials. I was glad to have postponed my alignment decision. Across a road was a Resurrection Stone mound. Upon approach, a couple of hostile but underpowered, necromancer Mages assaulted us. I whipped out my Fire Atonach, Lyddy launched herself at one of them, and the other tried to flee, but alas I thumped her terminally. The Resurrection Stone if activated would give me the power to resurrect dead bodies to fight for me once a day. It just did not seem worth it. I preferred the current blessing I had which improved my Mage abilities.
It was getting dark so we decided to head across the river to Whiterun and a bed in the
Companions' Guild House. I may have forgotten to mention it, but I am a probationary member of Companions' Guild, not to be confused with a
Follower, like Lydia who is also a
Housecarl, In Skyrim, the Companions' Guild is the equivalent of the Fighters' Guild from Cryodiil.