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My role playing adventures in this outstanding Bethesda game with a little extra sprinkled in. Some parents will consider this Adult Content. I rate it as PG13. With a Game log like this, spoilers are included. To read from the beginning, scroll to the bottom of the Blog Archive on the right. After reading Skyrim the Beginning, at the very bottom of the entry, click the "newer page" link to progress forward through posts. Images are clickable!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
No.35- Search for the Elder Scroll
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Hidden Beauty (clickable) |
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Septimus Outpost |
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Big Lockbox |
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Dwarven Centurion |
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Blackreach |
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Don't Touch Any Buttons! |
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Septimus Signus |
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Prince Mora |
Thursday, July 5, 2012
No.34- Paarthurnax WHO?
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Enduring Dragon Breath |
Significant Story Spoilers Follow
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Commander Legate Rikke, Pale Imperial Camp |
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Frostmere Crypt Map |
The references I had seemed to show Frostmere Crypt on top of the mountain, where the Lord Stone can be found. In actuality it is to the South West of Dawnstar, but to the North of the referenced big mountain. If you look at this Skyrim Interactive Map, it's off there too. But if an equilateral triangle is imagined on it's side, pointing West, Hall of the Vigilant is the bottom of the triangle, Red Road Pass is the top, and the Western point of the triangle, North of the mountain is where Frostmere can be found.
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Frostmere Crypt |
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Arngeir at High Hothgar |
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Paarthurnax |
If you recall, my goal was to learn *the* word that would help me defeat Alduin. I was disappointed when Paarthurnax knew not how to teach this word. In ancient times it was created by mortals utilizing an Elder Scroll! I learned that Paarthurnax had lived at the Throat of the World, which was the top of the most sacred mountain in Skyrim for thousands of years waiting for the return of Alduin.
To know about Alduin requires some reading. However a quick summary is that Nirn is the mortal plane (where we live) whose existence is mostly attributed to a God named Lorkhan. Alduin is the Nordic God of Destruction, a great dragon, known as the "World Eater" who would destroy the mortal plane if he could. Paathurnax rebeled against Alduin in the distant past and taught the first mortal men (Hakon, Gornlaith, and Felldir) how to use Dragon Shouts to resist Alduin's efforts to eat the world.
He informed me in the previous battle, Alduin was not defeated, but cast adrift in time with an Elder Scroll. This was how he was beaten before. He also said something about time being broken and if it could be fixed, I might go meet the people who originally created the shout and learn it from them. Both Paathurnax and Arngeir suggested I check with the Lore Keeper at Winterhold Mage College, Urag Gro Shub.
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Eternally grumpy Colette Marence |
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Urag Gro Shub |
But this is for tomorrow or in a couple of days. With a slap on the back, I invited Urag, who was happy to join our party. Word got around and soon we had a mob in attendance rocking until early morning. By the way, think twice about inviting an Orc to where alcohol is served. Put a couple of honey meads in him and look out! :)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
No.33- Stormcloaks Get Stormy
From March 2012: "Now I was forced to consider which was strategically more important to
handle first, the long trek across Skyrim and way up the mountain to the
practitioners of the Voice or into The Wolf Queen's catacombs?
Taking several steps towards our next quest, the world suddenly swirled away from me. Time passed... I awoke in a cabana at the South Beach Resort, Cryodiil, the recipient of a vigorous, full body massage. I would have never willingly agreed, but once again Lydia had saved me. I submitted to what turned into an extended, direly needed stress induced vacation, dipping my toes in the warm water of the gulf while sipping Martgueritas. Months later, guilt finally got the better of me. Dragging Lydia from her annoying infatuation with Pepe, the masseuse, we gathered our gear and made the long trek back to frigid mountains of Skyrim. There we mysteriously discovered the status-quo unchanged, as we left it many months ago, as if time had stood still awaiting for our return!
Without dwelling on the mysteries of the Skyrim space/time continuum, I launched back into mental-questing mode and decided the answer to my now ancient question, whether to seek the means to defeat Alduin or dive into the Wolf Queen Catacombs, would be neither at least for now. Instead, I was going to settle Stormcloak uprising once and for all!
First stop was to meet the Jarl of Whiterun and give him a message from General Tullius that it was time to choose, the Imperials or the Stormcloaks. Under the guise of my personal story, I'm happy to report that he chose the Imperials. He then handed me his War Axe to deliver to Ulfric Stormcloak, head of the rebellion in Windhelm, asking him to submit to the authority of the Imperial Legion or prepare for war.
Lydia and I traveled under fair skies to Windhelm where we were greeted by snow flurries, symbolic of the greeting I would receive in the dismal Palace of the Kings. Upon being informed of his choice, Ulfric was disappointed in my decision, but remained civil as he returned the axe, telling us and the Legion to prepare for war. A man of honor, he allowed us to make a hasty retreat to Whiterun.
First stop was to meet the Jarl of Whiterun and give him a message from General Tullius that it was time to choose, the Imperials or the Stormcloaks. Under the guise of my personal story, I'm happy to report that he chose the Imperials. He then handed me his War Axe to deliver to Ulfric Stormcloak, head of the rebellion in Windhelm, asking him to submit to the authority of the Imperial Legion or prepare for war.
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Ulfric Receives Ultimatum |
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Battle for Whiterun, Ho Hum |
But Ulfric wasted no time on his threat. Upon arrival at Whiterun, the alarm sounded and forces loyal to the Legion rallied outside Whiterun's main gate to meet the Stormcloak attack! Disappointingly, the Battle for Whiterun was not the grand spectacle I had imagined it would be, but really a sad, sad display of Stormcloak battle tactics, which started with a fiery bombardment, followed by a pack of Stormcloaks dribbling into our weapon's range at a rate which allowed us to decimate them in quick order. Afterwards, the Jarl gave the Whiterun Victors a pep talk and encouraged us to finish the Stormcloaks wherever we encountered them. But because Ulfric decided to pass on this engagement, the outcome of the Rebellion was not yet certain.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
No.32- One Of A Kind Wall (Dragon 12)
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Dragon Bridge, west of Solitude |
Lisette @ UESP.net |
Lydia and I fast traveled to Solitude arriving there at night. Bestowing our presence on the lucky patrons of the Winking Skeever, we relaxed, drinking some brew, while being serenaded by the lovely and shapely Lisette, the local bard. After Lisette made several suggestions that we spend the night, I plunked down some gold for a spacious room and we invited her up for a night cap. The night turned out to be less restful than I had hoped, and in a short while daylight was peering in through our window along with the chirping of birds. After some moments of contemplating what a good life this was, I yawned whiling nudging Lydia. With persistence I finally got some life out of her. We arose to get ourselves presentable for the business of the day while Lisette burrowed deeper under the covers. Saying fond farewells to our favorite entertainer, I kissed her cheek, before heading down the stairs for a bite of something other than bard thigh...
Skeever Yumminess! @ESWiki.com |
Feeling completely sated after a breakfast of goose eggs and skeever sausage we walked to the Solitude Castle in search of General Tullius. Compared to questing, this was easy, finding him adjacent to the map room. I turned over the Jagged Crown and Tullius seemed pleased. He responded by handing me a message for the Jarl of Whiterun. The essence of the message was that it was time to make a choice, Legion or Stormcloaks. More than not, Whiterun has been my home so I really hoped Balgruuf would choose my side.
Steward Falk Firebeard @ESWikia.com |
Stuffing this message into my pocket, I had a niggle in the back of my brain realizing that some time ago, I had been summoned by Falk Firebeard, the steward of Elisif the Fair, Jarl of Solitude over at Solitude's Blue Palace regarding my previous action at Wolf Skull Cave. You may recall this is where we prevented the Wolf Queen, Potema from resurrecting herself. Turns out that Potema was still around trying to return herself to flesh and blood status.
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Father Styrr in Solitude |
Falk wanted me to fetch her bones from a catacomb to prevent this from happening and pointed me at Styrr the local priest who informed me that The Wolf Queen caused trouble 500 years ago and no one wanted her, the most infamous of necromancers, alive, much less returning to the throne, which as a direct Septon descendant, she would be entitled too. I slotted in this task at the No.2 on my important-things-to-do list after locating Sky Haven Temple with Delphine and Esbern.
I can say this for Skyrim, it's never dull!
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Glimmering Falls in The Reach |
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Aftermath, Karthspire Camp |
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Red Alert! |
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Another Notch on my Belt |
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Karthspire Cavern |
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Karthspire Party |
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Authentication Via Blood |
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Alduin's Wall |
Now I was forced to consider which was strategically more important to handle first, the long trek across Skyrim and way up the mountain to the practitioners of the Voice or into The Wolf Queen's catacombs? Decisions!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
No.31- Looking For Esbern
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Karth River Valley West of Riften |
After my tirade about Skyrim marriage and having several honey meads at the bar with Lydia, I finally got over my disappointment and resolved to take care of more important affairs. After all I still had Lydia by my side and that is doing all right!
Based on Delphine's tip, we hoofed it over to Riften in search of the Blade called Esbern that the Thalmor were looking for. In Riften, I met a a thief called Brynjolf, who might know the Blade's location, but he would not help me until I helped him. Intimidation did not work, so seeing no other way forward, I agreed to steal a ring and slip it into the pocket of merchant, setting him up to be accused of thievery. The things I do for the Empire. Maybe I can come back later and straighten out the mess I helped create.
Brynjoff @ ElderscrollsWiki.com |
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Ragged Flaggon, Ratway, Riften |
After doing my part, Brynjoff wanted me to do more but I declined, and still acquired the hiding place of Esbern who was living in the "Rat Way" the tunnel/sewers under Riften. The Rat Way was an interesting place. We met a variety of hostile types, found a pub in the sewer called the Ragged Flagon, and eventually located Esbern behind a door with a dozen locks on it. I convinced him I meant no harm, was there on behalf of Delphine, and finally he relented and opened up.
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Esbern, The Blade |
He told me quite a story about Alduin, the Dragon from the beginning of time who would devour the world. This was the dragon flying around Skyrim resurrecting dragon bones. Significantly, only a Drgaonborn, *cough* me could stop him. During our discussion, the Thalmor showed up and tried to butt in, but me, Lydia, Esbern, his Frost Atronach, and Sparky were not about to let that happen!
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Fun in the Sewers! |
Treva's Watch@ UESP.net |
On the way there we bumped into some forlorn people led by Stalleo. He told us that their home at Treva's Watch had been taken over by bandits and could we help by sneaking in the back way? Sure thing! Even Esbern did not mind the detour. The back way was sneaking through a cavern. The area was patrolled and we were discovered quickly, facing some tough fights from electricity wielding bandits. The good guys prevailed. I got the feeling that Stalleo and his people don't like magic wielders because before and after we took the fort back, they kept warning me to keep my magic to myself, lol.
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Mountain Pass vicinity of Iverstad |
It was still dark when we reached Iverstad, but instead of stopping we decided to forge ahead over the snowy mountain pass. Daylight broke and it was a wondrous Skyrim morning when the buildings of Riverwood came into view on the banks of the White River. Inside the Sleeping Giant in we rendezvoused with Delphine. She and Esbern had a happy reunion and then it was down to business.
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Bleak Falls Barrow, adjacent to Riverwood |
Camillla Valerius @Elderscrolls Wikia. Relax Woman! |
Before leaving Riverwood, I dropped into the Riverwood Traders and checked out the ready and willing prospective spouse, Camilla Valerius, sister of Lucan Valerius who is better looking in person.
Monday, February 27, 2012
No.30- A Sham Of A Skyrim Marriage
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"Hey there good look'n!" |
Role playing, means pretending you're someone you are not- yup... A life of adventure- yup... A different gender if desired- yup!... The savior of the realm- Big YUP!... You can get married and have a relationship- *Loud buzzer sound*, Nope!
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Lilgalad & Lydia |
The state of personal relationships in Skyrim are entirely imaginary, as I have suggested in the early entries of this journal with Lydia, but since they took the time to create an institution called marriage, I had a hope there might be something more, something a little fun and
worthwhile, a spouse and some advantages for having a
spouse- affection, love, (even if it is imagined) sex, sharing a bed, a hot
breakfast, etc. Kids? Hmm, have to think about that. The realistic
informed part of me knew most of the above was not to be. It's just not
in the dialog, but come on, there should be something more than just a
meal and an extra rest benefit from sleeping in close proximity with your "love" who you hardly knew, which is not all it could be by a long shot!
How about
some interesting dialog options? Or some quests, like run into town to
buy some supplies? Or a spouse quest chain which includes intrigue, you have to help her out of a jam that includes one or two affection animations and some flirting?
The sad truth is something called marriage does exist in Skyrim, but it's mostly a meaningless institution, a matter of doing someone a favor, or not, flash a "I'm available" necklace and apparently the eligible ones are so hard up, forget the small talk, if stopped on the street they will ask, "You're interested in me?" And if the answer is "yes", they are ready to get hitched in an instant and it does not matter what gender. But maybe I'm seeing it through the prism of being a desirable
Dragonborn, EVERYONE wants to marry me! This could go to my head! ;)
There is a long list of eligible people advertised in the "Skyrim Personals".
I'm roll-playing a female elf so first stop was to check out the
bachelors. The ones who own property are limited and what a sorry
looking lot they are- old, worn out fuddy-duddys There are a couple of beef cake Nords out there (Argis The Bulwark in Markarth, Balimund of Riften, and Sorex Vinius, who runs the Winking Skeever in Solitude
for example) with no property, no desirable property, or they are living in a
In contrast there are some attractive women who own property and/or are merchants such as Ysolda in Whiterun, (merchant and owns a house) and Sylgja, with the help of the Cover Girl Mod, could be the prettiest female in Skyrim and owns a house in the mining town of Shor's Stone.
The problem with Ysolda is that in Whiterun, I've all ready acquired quite nice
accommodations, my own suite in fact at the Companion's Guild so I was hoping to find someone with a house and/or business in another city. It's called being Skyrim pragmatic!
So let me tell you a marriage story. One day I was passing through the town of Shor's Stone on my first trip to Riften and there she was, an incredible beauty, on a par if not better than Lydia, (who is un-marriageable). However as a Housecarl to my Thane, Lydia shares my life, my fights, my imagined snuggle times, and is a good companion as far as companions are allowed to be.
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Slygja |
Anyway, Slygja was a true vision. I engaged her in talk, finding out she is a strong independent lady miner at the Red Belly Mine, not 100' from her house. I had no idea how independent she really was. She asked me if I could deliver a package to her Dad in a nearby town. I did and she was grateful. That is the sum total of our interaction.
A couple days later I came back to Shor's Stone wearing the "I'm Looking For Love" Amulet of Mara on my neck and right to the point, she says to me, "seeing as how life is short, live it to the fullest", was I interested in her?
"Sure" I gulped and she came back with "So it's settled! Go make arrangements for the ceremony!"
"I...ok" I replied, the image of a honeymoon flashed in my head, a second companion to share my life with, a house thrown in, all the while knowing I had a Redo Spell (game save) in my pocket! This was well worth the risk. I looked at Lydia, expecting "I don't like the looks of this!", but she had no comment and did not seem to be bothered. In fact she seemed to approve of Sly.
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You Could of Left the Pick Axe at Home |
I hustled back to The Temple of Mara in Riften, made the arrangements and was told to come back the next day for the ceremony, which Lydia and I did. At the ceremony, there she was, Sly in her standard mining gear and her pick axe hung on her belt. Without any talk or demonstrative displays of affection we stood there as the Priest said the special words, and we were hitched. But before he even finished talking, Sly made an about face and without a word, casually walked out!
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Arms Crossed- What Do You Want? |
"Where you going, honey?" I shouted. Bursting through the doors of the Temple into the sunlight, she was gone. We fast traveled to Shor's Stone and I tried her house. The door was locked. I went looking for her in the mine and found her working. When I engaged her in conversation, she did call me "her love", but other than deciding we could live in her house for now, she had work to do, end of conversation. So I waited and became frustrated with the passage of time. I knew, but I should have known, this girl LIVES in the mine.
The real problem was my expectations of something in so-called marriage that resembled friendship. She finally came home, entered her house, then emerged to sit by the public fire pit and chat with the other town folk as she probably has her entire life, not even bothering to tell them she got married or introducing me, the new gal hanging out. The townsfolk were oblivious or did not not care either. This honey moon was getting off to a lousy start. I was able to get her to fix me a meal, but the best was yet to come.
At bed time, I finally could get into her house, which is nothing fancy, but it's a house, one of my marriage parameters. I eyed the full size bed with anticipation, but without a tour, without some normal honeymoon chit chat, without any words about getting settled, not even a "good night", she walked to the bed and laid down in her grubby mining clothes, *including* the mining pick and fell asleep! Why did I suddenly imagine a pick between my eyes?
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Disappointed! |
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You Can't Sleep When Being Asked to Leave! (Click pic) |
Ok, so I went to the other side of the bed and tried to lay down but got
a message, "You can't sleep when being asked to leave!", GAHH!
Now maybe it would be better if I invited her to a house I own and sleep in the same
bed with her, even if I kept my hands to myself? Could she be happy if I took her
away from her town, her life, and her mine, not that she showed any
more emotions than the rocks she quarries? Sigh! It was time for plan B. I pulled out my Redo Spell and pushed the button whisking me and Lydia back to the pre-Sly marriage point. This particular experiment in marriage Skyrim style is over. I can always go back to Sly if I change my mind, but for now I'll seek out a merchant, living in town to hook up with. I might have the perfect candidate, but I'll reveal that later. Here is the point. I have imagined some personal interactions in my journal entries, but when Skyrim allows something called marriage, I expect a little more, or why bother? For the rest benefit of sleeping in proximity of a spouse, it seems to be a chore, especially when they are asking you to leave, but maybe I just don't know how to be Skyrim married? |
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