Enduring Dragon Breath |
Significant Story Spoilers Follow
After handling myself adequately at the Battle of Whiterun, General Tullius impressed upon me that to defeat Ulfric, Imperial forces must retake the Holds (regions) of Skyrim. My orders were to report to the Imperial Camp in The Pale, the snowy Northern Central region of Skyrim to meet with my now familiar Imperial superior, Legate Rikke who is always out there on the pointy end of the spear. She wanted me to intercept a Stormcloak courier to obtain a copy of Stormcloak orders for counterfeiting purposes.
Commander Legate Rikke, Pale Imperial Camp |
But before I moved on her quest, I think I could make a convincing argument that while the Stormcloak Rebellion is a concern, having our World cease to exist takes precedence, don't you think? Based on these two issues, improving my combat skills, specifically the power and repertoire of my Dragon Shouts seemed like a good idea. My interest was focused on maximizing my Ice Form Shout, of which I only had one of the vital words. But more importantly, because I don't know how much time Alduin needed to "eat the world", I needed to educate myself about the special dragon word mentioned at Alduin's Wall in Sky Haven Temple, a Blades outpost.
Frostmere Crypt Map |
Based on my lousy notes, I was not exactly sure where I picked up the first Ice word, so fast traveling around the landscape, I visited the three locations where the applicable words can be learned, Mount Anthor, where I fought my first dragon, Saarthal, the ruin in close proximity to Winterhold (Mage College), and finally the most elusive dungeon for me to locate, Frostmere Crypt.
The references I had seemed to show Frostmere Crypt on top of the mountain, where the Lord Stone can be found. In actuality it is to the South West of Dawnstar, but to the North of the referenced big mountain. If you look at this Skyrim Interactive Map, it's off there too. But if an equilateral triangle is imagined on it's side, pointing West, Hall of the Vigilant is the bottom of the triangle, Red Road Pass is the top, and the Western point of the triangle, North of the mountain is where Frostmere can be found.
Frostmere Crypt |
I also found a quest clitch here. I ran into a woman named Eisa Blackthorn, but she would not talk to me. She offers the Pale Lady Quest, if you can get her to talk to you, or you can pickpocket her journal which is also supposed to reward that quest. I did not get it, but after clearing out this easy dungeon, I obtained the Pale Blade and found a glitch at the Dragon Wall inside. It did not appear to give me the Ice Form Word, but when I opened my Shouts page, there it was. Now I can freeze things solid! :)
Arngeir at High Hothgar |
Wasting no time, Lydia and I zipped up to High Hrothgar, a perpetual blizzard local, to speak with Arngeir, (Grey Beard senior member) about the special dragon word pointed out to me at Alduin's Wall. After a ceremony to teach me a new word, Clear Skies, that well, cleared the skys and allowed Lydia and me to climb to the Throat of the World, the apex of the great mountain located above High Hrothgar where we met Paarthurnax, the head of the Grey Beards. This turned into the most surprising and significant encounter I've experienced in Skyrim EVER.
Paarthurnax |
After fighting the elements we arrived at the Throat of the World. An amazing sight greeted us, the presence of a great dragon! But instead of a fight, we were greeted by the ancient and wise soul named Paarthurnax! I could not have imagined in advance, but it makes sense that the practitioners of Dragon Shouts would be led by a benevolent dragon. What followed was an incredibly informative discussion. First of all, I learned a new Word, Fire Breath and had to prove I was Dragon Born.
If you recall, my goal was to learn *the* word that would help me defeat Alduin. I was disappointed when Paarthurnax knew not how to teach this word. In ancient times it was created by mortals utilizing an Elder Scroll! I learned that Paarthurnax had lived at the Throat of the World, which was the top of the most sacred mountain in Skyrim for thousands of years waiting for the return of Alduin.
To know about Alduin requires some reading. However a quick summary is that Nirn is the mortal plane (where we live) whose existence is mostly attributed to a God named Lorkhan. Alduin is the Nordic God of Destruction, a great dragon, known as the "World Eater" who would destroy the mortal plane if he could. Paathurnax rebeled against Alduin in the distant past and taught the first mortal men (Hakon, Gornlaith, and Felldir) how to use Dragon Shouts to resist Alduin's efforts to eat the world.
He informed me in the previous battle, Alduin was not defeated, but cast adrift in time with an Elder Scroll. This was how he was beaten before. He also said something about time being broken and if it could be fixed, I might go meet the people who originally created the shout and learn it from them. Both Paathurnax and Arngeir suggested I check with the Lore Keeper at Winterhold Mage College, Urag Gro Shub.
Eternally grumpy Colette Marence |
A quick flick of the wrist and Lydia and I were standing in the town of Winterhold, perpetual blizzard local, number two. Maybe we were shadowed, because an unnamed dragon appeared which we defeated quickly. With Lydia in tow into the college, we ran into insecure Colette Marence, the Restoration Spell Instructor. I tried to reassure her that she was a valued member of the Mage College staff, I bought some restoration spells from her, and emphasized, no, "they" didn't hate her. To impress upon her my sincerity, I invited her up to my Arch Mage's quarters for a night cap with me and Lydia.
Urag Gro Shub |
While Lydia was entertaining Colette, I met with Urag Gro Shub in the College's library, who showed me the College's two Elder Scrolls references, but I found them incomprehensible. He suggested I head to the Northern Ice Fields to search for Septimus Signus, the mad Elder Scrolls scholar who might be able to help.
But this is for tomorrow or in a couple of days. With a slap on the back, I invited Urag, who was happy to join our party. Word got around and soon we had a mob in attendance rocking until early morning. By the way, think twice about inviting an Orc to where alcohol is served. Put a couple of honey meads in him and look out! :)