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Falkreath Dragon |
If you recall, in a previous entry I murdered the Headmistress of the Honorhall Orphanage in Riften on behalf of an unhappy orphan. This was despite my better judgment and morals, sigh, but I wanted access to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, for a Dragon Word, and the execution of this contract would get their attention. It did!
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Astrid- Dark Brotherhood |
The next time I fell asleep, I don't know how they managed it but I awoke in a one room cabin, the prisoner of a hot ninja chick named Astrid and three people on their knees, blindfolded. As explained to me, the Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim handles assassination contracts and I had horned in on their action. However Astrid was not all bad. She gave me a chance to payback my debt to the Brotherhood by killing one of her prisoners, a sellsword, an assassin, and a bitch of a housewife, all who had contracts on them. I talked to each of them. The assassin was a murderer, I was a murderer, but I rationalized this guy was without redemption. He oozed sleaziness so I figured I was doing the general populace of Skyrim a favor and more importantly I needed the password to get into the Santuary, so... Astrid was satisfied with my actions and invited me into their brotherhood, which I accepted.
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Dragon Slayer Elite |
Heading for the Brotherhood Sanctuary, we stopped in Falkreach just long enough to gain another dragon notch, then headed west to the Brotherhood's cave. Lydia waited outside as I was introduced to the Brothers and Sisters. I got my Dragon Word, picked up some contracts, got a restless night's sleep pondering death for hire, and decided to put this part of my new life on hold to take care of the more pressing problem in the realm, dragons and the Thalmor. Just to let you know, getting that third word, did not turn me into Superwoman. Murder is not my thing and I am haunted by
the death of Headmistress, but I've come to far to go back and fix it. May the Gods forgive me, if they pay attention to those sorts of things.
What next? First I wanted to become a proper member of the Legion. The Stormcloaks have some valid issues with the Empire, but I view the Thalmor and Aldmeri Dominion as a far greater threat. It is too bad I see no way to resolve the Stormcloak Rebellion in a peaceful manner, not as long as Talos worship is outlawed.
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Fort Hraggstad |
Getting an early start, I fetched Lydia and we headed for Fort Hraggstad to clean up the bandit scum hanging out there, my ticket to admission in the Legion. It was not much of a challenge.
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Calling the Wolf Queen |
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Fun Fight'n |
Then as part of a favor to the Jarl of Solitude (The Man Who Cried Wolf Quest), we dove into Wolf Skull Cave to find a castle built inside a cave. Very cool, but I would not want to live there. We snuck into a large cavern with bright swirling blue lights converging on the highest tower of this subterranean castle. Fighting out way up to the top, we killed a group of Necromancers involved in some kind of a ritual to bind the spirit of Queen Potema, the Wolf Queen. The blue light vanished when the last mage was killed and we got outta there without catching any diseases!
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Shrine of Meridia |
On the way back to Solitude, I had not forgotten about this orb thingy (a lot of those in Skyrim) I have been carrying and stopped at the Shrine of Meridia located West of Solitude to hand over her beacon. There I got to speak to Meridia herself, a God that appeared as a ball of light in the sky! In fact I was yanked up into the sky for the conversation by my lapels. It woulda been a great view, if I was not worried about getting down! Meridia had a task for me to accomplish, clean out the undead in her temple and kill the Necromancer Malkoran who defiled her special place. There are Necromancers all over Skyrim it seems. While looking down, I did not have to reminding myself that "yes" was the right answer. I told her, "Soon, very soon". That reply was good enough and I was set down and allowed to continue on my way.
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The Iron Maiden |
Back in Solitude, I checked in with the General and Legate Rikke to report Fort Hraggstad was cleared out. To join the Legion, I said an oath and then was invited to help fetch a Jagged Crown, something they did not want Ulfric, the head of the Stormcloak Rebellion to have. Now aligned to the Empire, my next visit to Dragonsreach could be an interesting one. Would they know?
Blue Palace, Solitude @ESWikia |
But before leaving Solitude, I reported in to the Blue Palace that the Wolf Skull Cave had been cleared out and I had prevented the Wolf Queen's soul from being bound. I assume that means regain flesh and blood status? Frankly I don't know much about it other than the Falk Firebeard, The
Jarl of Solitude's Steward was very relieved that I had succeeded.
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Prince of Madness, Sheogorath |
During a previous visit to Solitude, I met Dervenin, who appeared to be a "mad beggar" roaming the streets, who had asked me if I could find his master in a forbidden wing of the Blue Palace. Who was I to ask what was he doing in a forbidden wing of the palace, and it was a quest, so why the heck not? After finishing the Wolf Skull Cave quest I was able to twist Mr. Firebeard's arm and he gave me permission. I had no idea I was going to pop into someone's mind (Pelagius III) coming face to face with the always entertaining Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Quite a funny guy who I met in the Shivering Isles of Cryodiil. However, I'll warn you, his brand of humor can wear on you. To make a longish story short, I helped Pelagius with some mental issues and then graciously was released by Sheogorath back to Skyrim, thank the Nine, or is it The Eight now? I might have become as mad as Sheog if I had been forced to stay there too long.
After this we proceeded over to The Winking Skeever, Solitude's Pub to meet my contact (Malborn) to get into the Thalmor Embassy bash and spy on them, fun! I had to give him the weapons I wanted him to sneak in, then I met Delphine who gave me some party clothes. Boarding a wagon, I waved to Lydia (who could not come) and was off on an infiltration mission. The Thalmor Embassy is up on top of a mountain NW of Solitude.
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The Thalmor Embassy |
At the party, I met Elenwen, Skyrim's Thalmor Ambassador. We exchanged pleasantries, but I had work to do. Speaking with my contact Maldorn, I talked a drunk guy into making a spectacle of himself. During the diversion, Malborn snuck me through the kitchen into the Embassy, to search of evidence the Thalmore were involved in Skyrim dragons. Malborn had packed my stuff in a trunk.
Equipping myself, I started by sneaking, but not having the patience, it quickly became apparent fighting would be easier, especially since I did not know the layout. Chalk it up to sub-par intel. I was able to take out small groups of Thalmor guards without alerting the entire Embassy and I located several documents relating to dragons. I rescued Malborn and we made a quick exit out a trap door into a cavern below the embassy. Maybe he had a death wish, because the fool insisted on fighting a cave troll and was slain despite my best efforts to save him. After the third attempt to save him, I gave up.
Now that I had a moment, I broke out the purloined documents and was surprised that Delphine's theory of the Thalmor-dragon connection was wrong! The Thalmor did not have a clue about why dragons were popping up in Skyrim. They were looking for someone named Esbern. Grabbing Lydia, we headed back to Riverwood to give Delphine the news.
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