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I Got Furry |
On my latest loot run to Whiterun, we ended up arriving at night. My Silver Hand Quest curiosity got the better of me and I decided to meet Skjor for his secret meeting. It was outback of Jorrvaskr, the Companion's Guild house in Whiterun through a secret door inside a rock outcropping. I explained to Lydia and left her outside. I was happy she seemed ok with it.
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Werewolf Ceremony |
I know the Companions turn into werewolves, but it was still shocking when I walked into a grotto and there was Aelas The Huntress in beast form. Some call it a curse. Skjor and the Companions call it a blessing for combat, making you big, strong, ugly, and prone to flees. Well, you have to take the good with the bad.
The way you catch lycanthropy is by getting bit or by drinking werewolf blood. I agreed to the latter. Skjor cut Aelas's wrist and filled a bowl with her blood. I took a sip and in a flash I was out behind Jorrvaskr, large, furry, impressive fangs, generally hideous, but it seemed natural and I had enough control to know who to attack or not. Lydia was there and to her credit, was not afraid. Then darkness and dark dreams of rushing through the woods, ambushing a deer, ripping it up and tasting warm flesh and the iron taste of blood, the nectar of life and all that.
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Hungover In The Woods |
When my senses cleared, I was standing naked (human form) in the woods facing Aelas with a torch asking me if I had fun. She had helped me clean up and get into a bra and panties. Curious I felt naked. I must of had fun, because I think we were about 20 miles to the East of Whiterun, but before I could blurt an adequate answer, she was talking about killing Silver Hands, led by Krev the Skinner. The SHits as I like to now call them (get it? SilverHand-its) are among the Lycanthropist's worst enemies with a hideout over at Gallows Rock. They tried to kill me the first I met them and significantly, before I had a proclivity towards fur. She said Skjor was all ready over there so we needed to hustle.
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Put Your Clothes On- Make Me! |
This is not made up. I fought my first post-werewolf fight, bare fisted, in my underwear. Despite having the potential of being a big bad wolf, it must of looked real funny, me tippy toeing though the woods half clothed. And Aelas was of no help at all, no briefings what so ever as what to expect with my new beast form abilities, not even a "put your clothes on, fool".
I'll tell you, using my human fists against armed and armored adversaries is not effective. I did have the element of surprise and they all most fell over when a growling, half naked, snarling, but attractive woman came rushing at them. I saw a look on one of their faces of fight or fun? But after I dropped him with my fist, I yelled "vua-la!" or "furry!", something like that, expecting to transform into a snarling beast, but nothing happened, except now they looked at me like I was crazy. My beast form was not working! I think Aelas was giggling the entire time behind my back. In hindsight, something about a 24 hour cooling off period. After getting cut a number of times, I finally figured out half-nakedness would only carry me so far. I was going to have to resort to traditional methods of magic and steel. After Aelas took care of the two Gallow Rock sentries, I grabbed her shoulder and whined "Where's my gear?"
"Right here, in the Skyrim napsack you always carry. Did you forget?" she replied.
"Thanks for allowing me to make a fool of myself" I huffed, pulling the bag open. I hastily donned my clothing and equipped my weapons both physical and magical. I am a mage, but I have a current favorite soul-stealing hatchet.
Now that I was properly equipped, into Gallows Rock we proceeded, slashing, hacking, and zapping our adversaries. We saw the remains of several dead wolves and I must have bonded because I felt rage at their slaughter. Finally we entered a large round room where Krev was curing, I assume, a werewolf skin. Bastard! He had 3 archers for support and remembering that it's best to take out the helpers first, I circled the room eliminating them. Krev put up a good fight, but not good enough. Then we discovered Skjor was dead. I vowed to slay Silver Hands across Skyrim. Wiping my hands of this filth, we departed for Whiterun to give the sad news to our Companion brethren.
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