Autumn in Skyrim |
After a few days of relaxation in they snowy North (Winterhold), we gathered up our gear in anticipation for continuing our journey to the Sunny South, including
Mzulft Dungeon,
Riften and a Silver Hand Hideout. If you remember a while back, I volunteered to seek out the
Staff of Magnus, an artifact that might shed some light on the large orb that was found in Saarthal and relocated to the College. Mirabelle at the College directed me to the Mzulft Dungeon which was located South of the Hot Springs area.
The Joy of Dungeons (Mzulft) |
Mzulft was an interesting mix of high tech machinery mixed with natural caverns along with hideous Falmer, Dwarvin Dwemer Automatons, mechanical spiders and creepy crawlys, and Guardians that rolled in a ball, then popped open to fight. After one encounter, I just happened to loot an interesting crystal off a dead Falmer. Later we ran into a locked door with a mage, hiding behind it. After making acquaintances through the door,
Paratus Decimius of the
Snod Council, mage busy-bodies who like sticking their noses into all thing magic, unlocked the door and swung it open. He was there waiting for a cohort, who was supposed to return with a special crystal, but was missing. Hmm, pulling the crystal out of my napsack, a look of excitement lit up Decimius's expression. To bad about his friend, this was what he was waiting for!
Mzulft Device |
In Focus |
We followed him to a large circular room with a really big sphere in it. As explained to me, this device captures star light and once it was properly adjusted, was supposed to reveal important information magical info about Skyrim. He asked me to set up the crystal and adjust the device. I thought this really strange since this was his project. However, I like puzzling situations, agreed and proceeded to experiment. An occular lense ontop of the sphere was very sensitive to temperature. Eventually I discovered using fire and frost spells, I could adjust it. Finally it clicked, illuminating a map of Skyrim. Mage Decimius was perturbed, expecting more.
"This device should show strong magical artifacts in Skyrim", but he did not see any. I finally got around to asking about the Staff of Magnus, if he knew about it and if he wanted to help me. Decidedly grumpy, all I got out of him was a location,
Labyrinthian, an ancient Nordic Tomb.
Fresh Air! |
The fast way out of Mzulft brought us out into bright welcome sunlight, its rays warming our faces. This exit was higher up the mountain side, covered in snow and ice. Gingerly we made our way down, well I did. As usual Lydia, scared of heights, did not follow well, when jumping and icy ledges are involved. Once I was down, I used magic to summon her to my side. She's used to it by now. We followed a road South through the mountain edged valley.
Clickable |
Village of Shor's Stone |
Red Belly Mine |
The road veared up into the foothils into the quaint hamlet of
Shor's Stone. I talked to a few folks and heard the woes about their spider infested mine. I'm always available to help for situations like this. The
Red Belly mine was barely a hole in the ground. We cleaned out 5 or 6 large spiders, collected our reward and continued on our way South to Riften which according to the map was close.
Over a few hills and vales, through the aspen on the edge of a lake, a town built of timber came into view. Riften is located on the shores of Lake Honrich surrounded by a wall, as most substantial towns of Skyrim are. Checking the map, I noted in my journal, a hike from Lake Honrich up the river basin to Windhelm could be fun.
Approaching the front gate, my impression flipped from positive to negative when two local characters tried to hussle us for an entrance fee. I asked them kindly if they'd like a boot in their asses? They seemed to be familiar with Thalmor boots, and although I'm not Thalmor, all elves look alike up here, if you get my drift. Grumbling, they relented. Inside Riften, it quickly became apparent that graft and thievery was the norm around here. The place was crawling with undesirables and the overall mood seemed grim.
Besides questing, a secondary goal of my Skyrim tours has been to scope out available, desirable properties. Despite various training expenses, I was still able to earn $16000 gold. So a tour of skyrim was supposed to helped me size up the best location for a residence. After a lot of cleanup, Riften could be a possibility. At that point, front runners were Whiterun, Solitude, Riverwood, and Iverstad, if there are houses available. Whiterun is a walled town in a wide valley with a river, and adjoining farms, very nice. Solitude is substantial, best for security, well protected with high walls, and south of the snow belt, but I've always preferred a small town atmosphere.
Riverwood- Prime Real Estate |
Iverstead- Alpine Getaway |
Riverwood, the small village I sought shelter in after my scrape with the Empire is desirable, and I liked
Ivarstead, halfway up the mountain, near High Hrothgar, but I don't think there are any houses for sale there.
Markarth and
Windhelm are both questionable. Markarth is built into the side of a mountain and Windhelm is like living in a big grimy stone box on the edge of the tundra. Winterhold was on it's last legs as a town, and the prospect of perpetual blizzards knocked it from consideration. I was no closer to a decision at this point. I had one more prospect and that would be
Falkreath located South West of Whiterun, near the Skyrim-Cyrodiil border. Of course if things turn to shit around here, Cyrodiil or even Morrowind could be options.
Riften Bunk House |
Riften Alchemy Babe |
After sneaking a bed in the Riften bunkhouse, we spoke to a local alchemist, a pretty one too. I put Riften on my "to do" list, and we left, heading east to the location of a Silver Hand hideout, called
Broken Helm Hallow. To assist in kicking around the
Silver Hands, my Companion Quest was to locate their book of plans.
View near Broken Helm Hollow |
Broken Helm Hollow |
Leaving the river valley, we hiked up into the foothills, searching, and finally locating the Hallow up the side of a mountain, which is not that unusual around here. Killing two guards, we tippy-toed in and took care of two more Silver Hands and the challenging boss-man. Minus the Silver Hands and I liked this cave. It had a bubbling creek flowing through it and glowy mushrooms hanging from the ceiling. Cozy for a cave.
Dragon Fight Broken Helm Hollow |
Thinking the days travails were over, we walked out at dusk and right into a another dragon fight. I may have all ready said this, but I'm wondering if I'm being stalked. We killed this dragon in what was becoming my standard modus operandi, let Lydia stand out front in her great armor to take the frost, My fire atronach flinging fireballs, and me turning it into a pin cushion with my bow and arrows. Gathering up some dragon bones and scales, which are valuable, we fast traveled over to Riverwood, rented a room, and collapsed for the night.
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